NRK met the president in Kyiv early Thursday afternoon, along with a small group of Nordic journalists.
– They are our northern veins. We feel it in this war. Thank you for your support.
– It will be offensive. Answered questions from SVT will be successful.
Moreover, Zelensky said that Ukraine sees that Russian forces are getting smaller and weaker every day, and that they are starting to shift their focus to the lines of defense.
Zelenskyj sat at the end of the long table when NRK interviewed him with a group of other northern journalists.
Photo: Gunnar Brathammer/NRK
– We are especially grateful to the NASAM air defense system, and we are especially grateful to our partners for finally coming out with some kind of Patriot.
– We see that they have already started working, we see that they helped us survive the winter. It is very important for you to control the airspace. We cannot leave the airspace in the hands of Russia.
Based on this, he announced that Ukraine would order more combat aircraft from allies.
conducted in strict secrecy
At the end of the large table in a palace room with gold on the walls, Zelensky spoke to reporters for a full two hours.
The window was covered with sandbags. The entire quarter was blocked.
During the meeting, which was held in strict secrecy, he also spoke of the effect the war had had on him personally.
– I am very critical of myself. Every day I think if there is anything I could have done differently.
– I know many who were killed.
Zelensky says in the interview that ruling the country has had a negative impact on his family life.
Photo: Gunnar Brathammer/NRK
When asked by the NRK, Zelensky said that he would have fought in this war as a soldier, if he were not president.
“I don’t raise my kids”
According to opinion polls in Ukraine, Zelensky is the most popular president in the country’s history.
But the job cost him dearly. He said it was “not possible” to combine everyday life as a family man and head of state in wartime.
With his wife, Olena Zelenska, he has a ten-year-old son and an 18-year-old daughter.
– I’m not the best father. I don’t have enough time for my family. It’s a shame and sad.
– I do not raise my children, but my wife and the war.
Zelenska’s most recent Instagram post is a photo of her and her husband, posted in January.
Here’s the full post from January on Zelenska’s Instagram Profile.
– I often get questions about how you have changed in the past year. I always answer: “He hasn’t changed. He’s the same guy I met when we were seventeen.”
—but something has actually changed: She smiles a lot less now, as she does in this photo. I wish you more reasons to smile.
NATO Chief: – He has the military capability he needs
At the same time that the meeting was taking place, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg announced that all combat vehicles that the defense alliance had promised to provide to Ukraine had been delivered.
– He said at a press conference with the Prime Minister in Luxembourg that Ukraine now has the military capacity it needs to regain territory.
Ukrainian T-72 tank on the battlefield.
Ukrainian T-72 tank on the battlefield.
Now 1,550 armored vehicles and 230 tanks have arrived, according to Stoltenberg. He added that this represents more than 98 percent of the promised amount.
Ukrainian soldiers are still winning to the BBC and that they are about to “run out of guns” at the front, and that their superiors are telling them to ration their ammunition.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”