On Wednesday, August 4, another “Happy House”, broadcast only by Diana Chaves, was broadcast on SIC, where João Baião was on vacation, in Greece, and more specifically in Santorini.
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Today’s broadcast began in an original way. The presenter appeared in the “teacher” mode and presented a class to many well-known television students.
At one point, one of the questions in the survey was: Who was the first president of the Portuguese Republic?
The answer was given immediately by Mariama Barbosa, one of the “students”, who mentioned Teofilo Braga, which was immediately accepted by Diana Chaves.
At the end of the session, the presenter apologized for the error and corrected it: We have information here! Get it! Here we have a question that we have to correct.’, he started by saying, while listening to the signals of the team that was in control.
“Here in our test… we have to correct… damn the teacher…We took Teófilo Braga for granted but it was Manuel de Arriaga…it was practical at the same time, one was way too fleeting. But it happens, we’re wrong, it’s part.”
See here the moment, at 28:54 minutes.