Dengue cases in Brazil grew by 43.9% in the first months of this year, compared to the beginning of 2021. Within ten weeks, from January 2 to March 12, 161,605 probable infections were recorded in the country, with an incidence rate of 75.8 cases per 100,000 infections. of the population, according to the data of the Ministry of Health.
The ministry warned of the need to intensify surveillance measures, especially in areas where the disease has recently spread. The greatest transmission period for dengue fever occurs between March and April, due to the rain cycle and the time required for the virus to replicate and spread between humans and vectors.
The highest infection rate occurred in the western-central region (204.2 cases per 100 thousand), followed by the regions of the north (97.4 / 100 thousand), the southeast (47.9/100 thousand) and the south (49/100 thousand). The lowest incidence occurs in the Northeast, with 31 cases per 100,000 residents. Goiânia (GO) tops the city ranking, with 16,629 probable cases, followed by Brasilia (DF) with 10,653, Palmas (TO) with 6,508, São José do Rio Preto (SP) with 2,477, and Aparecida de Goiânia . (GO) with a score of 2438.
In the same period, 154 severe dengue fever cases and 1504 cases with warning signs were recorded. In addition, 29 deaths from dengue have been confirmed – 27 by laboratory examination and 2 by clinical analysis. The states of Sao Paulo, Bahia and Goias recorded six deaths each. According to the file, another 75 deaths are under investigation. The country also recorded 13,092 probable cases of chikungunya and 756 cases of Zika virus, diseases also transmitted by Aedes aegypti.
Periods of rain associated with heat are favorable for mosquito breeding, according to service coordinator, Claudia Kodko. “The anticipation of the transmission period in some states is a cause for concern and could lead to a high incidence of cases if vector control is not adequately implemented,” he said. In addition to the south of the country, the northwest of the state of São Paulo, the area between Goiania (GO) and Palmas (TO), passing through the Federal District, and some isolated municipalities of Bahia, Santa Catarina and Ceará. She said it is imperative that municipalities restore structures to control vector mosquitoes, which have been dismantled during the pandemic. “Most outbreaks are indoors.”