This Thursday, during the trial of Johnny Depp in a libel case against his ex-wife, Amber Heard, the actress’s lawyers text messages that contain violent content exchanged representative with members of his family, despite the lack of context.
“I don’t want to see that filthy amber again,” Depp wrote to a friend in April 2015, two months into their marriage.
His ex-wife’s lawyers began their questioning by reading a series of messages the actor had exchanged over the years with various contacts, without giving further details about who he spoke to and the history of the text messages.
“Let’s burn amber,” read Ben Rothenborn, representative of Amber Heard.
He added, “I said, ‘I’m going to kill your cremated corpse after that to make sure it’s dead’.”
“That’s what I said I would do after I burned her and after I drowned her,” the lawyer said when forwarding the letter the actor sent in 2013 to a friend.
Deep under frank in the third day of the deposit, where he read through his glasses solar various documents submitted as evidence in Fairfax County court in Virginia.
Throughout his testimony, was also representative detail addiction to alcohol and drugs widely by lawyers Heard, who, also in court, kept the face is passionate.
The couple accuse each other of defamation former during this trial, which partially broadcast on news channels, which origins date back to the editorial by Hurd in 2018.
In that Washington Post transcript, the actress, 35, does not mention Johnny Depp by name, but refers to allegations of domestic violence she made against her husband in 2016.
On Wednesday, the star of the adventure series “Pirates of the Caribbean” told the court that the publication and the accusations cost him “everything” and left him “finished.”