It is not unusual to find trash or other items along beaches in Norway or in the rest of Scandinavia.
But finding 840 kilograms of drugs is not part of everyday life.
However, this is precisely what happened in Denmark in recent days. Since Saturday, 18 training bags with questionable contents have been found along several beaches in New Zealand.
Several smaller packages were found on Monday, and police believe most have now been found.
– It's exciting and unusual, Kim Löfqvist, Deputy Police Inspector of the Central and Western New Zealand Police, tells DR måndag.
Tests showed the presence of cocaine in some of the bags. Police believe this also applies to the rest.
According to the police, one gram of cocaine costs about 1,000 Danish kroner on the street, or about 1,550 Norwegian kroner.
In other words, the cost of the whole thing could reach NOK 1.3 billion.
Also on Monday, three packages and a sports bag were found on the beach in Sejerøbukta. Maybe it's cocaine.
Photo: Klaus Beck/Ritzau/Scanpix/NTP
The owners of the summer house were shocked
-I think it's a bit uncomfortable. I hope they managed to collect everything, so the kids don't get drugs.
This is what Hanne Højbus, who owns a summer home nearby, tells DR.
-I have been coming here for many years. I've never experienced anything like this. He never confirms.
Police still don't know where the drugs came from, or how long they had been in the water.
– Or even if it is intended for recipients in Denmark, they will write in a press release on Monday.
But the theory is that it was the drug trade that went crazy.
Kim Löfqvist of the Danish police describes this discovery as exciting.
Photo: Dr
– For example, because of bad weather or something else, says Kim Löfqvist of the Danish police.
Please don't take it home
The first reports of the mysterious bags came on Saturday afternoon. The police immediately went out to investigate the discovery.
– I see this sounds like something to us. “And I promise you it was,” says Löfkvist. doctor.
Since Saturday, drugs have been found on several Danish beaches.
Photo: Klaus Beck/Ritzau/Scanpix/NTP
Police are now warning people not to take drugs home with them, if more is found on the beach.
– Then a criminal case will be filed against you. It's a crime, and I take it very seriously. You shouldn't open packages either, as their contents could be dangerous, he tells the channel.
Major seizures in Norway
In Norway, large quantities of cocaine were also seized last year.
Police previously said they believed the drugs were not intended for Norway.
However, Krepos fears that Norway is a drug transit country, meaning that drugs may be transported through Norway on their way to other places.
“We see that international crime is closer to Norway than it was before,” Eivind Borg, head of Krypos’ investigations department, told NRK in January.
This has been proven, among other things, by several seizures of large quantities of cocaine in recent years.
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