Christina Ferrera was beaming during 'Two at 10' On Monday the 22nd of this year, Cristina and Claudio Ramos were talking with Luisa Castel Branco, Zee Lopez and Sina Jardim about the “life curve” of Big Brother contestant Sergio Duarte, when Cristina and Luisa rebelled. With those who criticize independent women.
“We still get criticized for this, that's what it is,” Christina began to say, looking angry. “How many times have I heard phrases like this, when I travel, even if it's for work,”So what about the son, where is the son? These kinds of things are never said to humans“, he also fired, addressing Claudio Ramos.
“Don't yell at me“, the announcer answered calmly, amused.
Cristina Ferreira was glorified on the “Dois à 10” program on Monday
“I have to scream because it's been 50 years [do 25 de Abril] “And it looks like she's not five yet,” Christina answered.
Luisa Castel Branco commented: “Women are the most discriminated against, and they still are (…) A woman is only independent if she is financially independent.”
Christina then explained: “That's why I spoke about my mother when I recently won an award. I left everything for my father When he came from Ultramar, he came to live with him, but my mother managed not to demand a penny from him in her life. He did everything he had to do: the pies, the curtains, everything. I never depended on my father for a dime, and this was the best example I could have“.
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