Iunforgivable. So were Ana Galvao, Joana Marquez and Ines López Gonçalves, who welcomed Cristina Ferreira on Wednesday, January 11, on the program “As Três da Manhã” on Rádio Renascença.
The three animators weren’t “nice” at all in the questions they asked the presenter and even The compensation Christina was ordered to pay to SIC, after switching to TVI, was on the table.
“With tickets at €19 on ‘Cristina Talks’, can you pay compensation to the SIC or do you still have to do the Multiusos de Guimarães?” , she shot Inês Lopes Gonçalves.
Christina emphatically responded like this: “If people knew the cost of Altice, and how much it costs to put everything we’re going to put in, they might think better what this ‘talk’ is for which it isn’t, at all to make money.”
In this same interview, Christina Ferreira also talked about Criticize your English and about Bets on Ruben Roa and Helena Coelho on VivaVida.
Read also: “I still think Robin Roa and Helena Coelho are an exceptional couple”
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