The rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Israel has been put on hold. Experts fear the outbreak of a major regional conflict involving Iran.
Leader of the mullahs’ regime in Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, during a military ceremony in Tehran on Tuesday.
The short version
- The peace agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel is on hold due to Hamas’ attack on Israel.
- Experts fear that the conflict between Hamas and Israel may spread to include Iran.
- US President Biden made contacts with Egypt, Qatar, and Turkey to reduce tension and prevent the spread of violence and terrorism to other parts of the Middle East.
The summary is created with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and quality guaranteed by Aftenposten journalists.
US President Joe Biden’s goal of reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Israel through a historic peace agreement has received a major blow with Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel.
A little more than a week ago, John Kirby confirmed at the US National Security Council that the framework for the peace agreement was almost ready.
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