– Corfu is very beautiful. Everything is beautiful, Spyros Rarakos tells VG.
Bikini, Speedo, flip-flops and sunscreen. Welcome to Greece and the scorching heat!
Maybe you can fry a fried egg on the asphalt.
-Is it always hot here?
– Often, yes. But it is very It's hot today, Rarakus says.
He lies on the dock and watches the European Championship match between Slovenia and Serbia on his mobile phone, shiny and tanned.
Did you say sunscreen? If there is a king Hawaiian Tropic Glow Oil
If so Italian Corfeo Spiros raracus.-I put it all over my body, because I like to tan. He says: I love myself.
When it's as hot as today, there's a lot you can't do, he says com. corfiot
Costas Constantinos.– That's hot, even for us locals. It could be too dangerous for some, he tells VG.
– The sun is very hot today, says his friend Nikephoros Karamoutsos.
So, what would you do if it was 43 degrees outside?
People at the breakwater outside Corfu Town resort to the only sensible thing on a day when everyone has to wipe sweat from their moustache – men and women alike.
Old, young, pale, brown – jump into the sea! Karamotsos takes a bet from the dock:
It's not just a refreshing bath that attracts the two friends paralysis
– One today.– I work in the evening, so I come here between 14 and 18 to shower and look at beautiful women… to my friend Kostas, says Karamoutsos.
– We love it here, we love Corfu, says Konstantinos.
When two VG reporters jumped into the sea, the thermometer showed 29 degrees. It's so wild that we're not sure if the thermometer actually works.
What's even more brutal is that 29 degrees feels cold when it's 40 degrees in the air.
Welcome! Our names are Anja and Ingrid. In the next few days we will report from Corfu in Greece and Sarandë in Albania. Are you in the area? Contact us here.
– Stay in the shade, says tourist and swimmer Nia Blanche from Wales.
– Yes, don't be an idiot. Use plenty of sunscreen and stay in the shade, says her friend Erin Lane from Liverpool.
Using a microphone and camera and praying to God not to lose anything expensive in the water, two VG reporters dive into the sea to interview Blanche and Lynn.
– Pay attention now! Erin Lin tells VG.
Compared to the dismal 15 degree temperatures Norway had for almost the entire month of June, this is pretty amazing. Simply.
-But is it too hot now?
– No matter where you go in Europe now, it's very hot, and we have to learn to deal with it, says Blanche.
-We are very careful about making climate-friendly choices, even though we traveled here at that time. It was too far to swim, Lin laughs.
Is it soon your turn to fry – or fry? Here you can see how hot it is in the south right now:
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”