Confirmed dengue deaths exceed 100 in southern Minas and cases continue to rise; See your city numbers | South of Minas state

Confirmed dengue deaths exceed 100 in southern Minas and cases continue to rise;  See your city numbers |  South of Minas state

Confirmed deaths due to dengue have exceeded 100 in southern Minas state and cases continue to rise

The number of deaths confirmed by the state Department of Health due to dengue fever in southern Minas state has risen to 101. This week, 12 new deaths from the disease were confirmed in the region and one case was discarded.

According to SES-MG data, Varginha still has the highest number of confirmed deaths in the region: 14. Alvinas, which has five more confirmations, now appears with 11. Campos Gerais (10), Passos (9) and São Lourenço (7) come next. .

Confirmed deaths from dengue exceed 100 in southern Minas Gerais and cases are still rising – Image: Image: Disclosure

SES-MG data also shows that the number of cases is still rising in the region. This week, there were +12,678 registrations, an increase of 9.9% compared to last week.

Varginha continues to lead the number of positive cases in the region with a record 20,943. Next appear are Passos (8,598), Tres Curaccios (8,498), Boa Esperanca (4,902), and Alvinas (4,766).

New deaths confirmed this week:

  • +5 vinas
  • +2 Good Hope and Three Hearts
  • +1 campaign, Guaxupé and São Gonçalo do Sapucaí

Cities with the highest number of confirmed deaths due to dengue fever:

  • 14: Leave it alone
  • 11: Al-Fanas
  • 10: Public areas
  • 9: Steps
  • 7: Sao Lourenço
  • 5: Campo Bello

Cities with the highest number of confirmed cases:

  • Varginha: 20,943
  • Steps: 8,598
  • Three hearts: 8,498
  • Good Hope: 4,902
  • Vinas: 4,766
  • Mines: 4,354
  • Campo Bello: 3805
  • Itagoba: 3,559
  • Sao Gonçalo Sabucay: 3301
  • Ax: 2,823

Cities with the highest number of cases recorded during the week:

  • Varginha: +2,555
  • Mines: +621
  • Steps: +614
  • Good Hope: +601
  • Three hearts: +531
  • Itagoba: +445
  • Bosso Allegri: +405
  • Vinas: +399
  • Aguanelle: +348
  • Sao Lourenco: +313

By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."