Sinha Jardim is a staunch supporter of Francisco Montero and his group of rivals and forgets what role she is being paid for. [comentar o Big Brother].
In “The Extra” on Friday, December 15, Flavio Furtado said that Francisco Valle “He spends his life pointing fingers at others“But then when faults are thrown at him, he really is.”Fragility” from him.
“The ability to see the good and bad in everyone“.
Flavio Furtado ended up leaving a provocation to his fellow panelists: “This moment is sponsored by Vale Fan Club“. be seen here the video.
Read also: Big Brother 2023. Susana Dias Ramos tears down Francisco Valle: “He’s a troublemaker, he puts his feet in his hands”
Sinha Jardim destroys Marcia Soares: “She is not well educated, Marcia is bad as I always say”
Sinha Jardim hates Marcia Soares from Big Brother, and she no longer says it directly because she can’t…
And on the program “Última Hora” last Wednesday, December 13, the commentator destroyed her favorite competitor: “Marcia is bad as I always say, as I keep saying, she has never deceived me, I do not expect anything from her in the game… I have to say feelings, Francisco Montero A well-educated, well-structured person, but Marcia is not well-educated…” everyone here.
“Infuriatingly humble analyst. Bacon maven. Proud food specialist. Certified reader. Avid writer. Zombie advocate. Incurable problem solver.”