China at the UN condemns US exploitation of science in ‘Cold War reissue’

China at the UN condemns US exploitation of science in ‘Cold War reissue’

Zhang Jun, Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations (China Daily)

The Chinese ambassador to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, stressed that suppression of high-tech companies from other countries in the United States is also unacceptable.

The permanent ambassador to the UN Security Council, Zhang Jun, said that China opposes the US politicization of technology issues, and the embargo and suppression of high-tech companies from other countries, which he denounced, aims to maintain monopoly. For science and technology, but is clearly doomed to failure.

We are against the politicization of issues of a technological nature. The world of science is not a zero-sum battlefield. At the CS meeting discussing technology and security on Monday (23), Zhang said that technological innovation should not produce just one champion.

Referring to the recent US blockades of all kinds, the Chinese representative stressed that it is a matter of concern that “some governments have politicized issues of a scientific and technological nature, popularized the concept of national security, abused state power, and severely intensified the suppression of high-tech companies from other countries “.

“To maintain their monopoly on science and technology, they have created exclusive circles,” Zhang noted.

“They have imposed technology restrictions on other countries and engaged in bullying practices in science and technology. It interfered and obstructed economic, commercial, scientific and technological cooperation between countries,” he added.

For the Chinese ambassador, such an approach, which carries “the outdated mentality developed by the United States during the Cold War, which goes against the spirit of international cooperation and the trend of the times, harms the collective interests of all countries and is doomed to failure.” failure. “.

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Zhang urged them to adopt a “rational and open approach”, to see “scientific and technological development and international cooperation in the right perspective” as well as to stop “baseless attacks and restrictions on high-tech companies from other countries.” .

In facing global challenges, he pointed out that “solidarity and cooperation are the right way.” The diplomat added that China urges relevant countries to “stop creating divisions around the world,” including in the Asia-Pacific region, and “stop drawing lines based on ideology and using coercive measures to force other countries to take action.” “Stop decoupling economics, science, and technology from disruptive practices affecting global supply chain stability and economic recovery.”

The Chinese ambassador also noted that technological developments can be a source of risks, and that the international community should see the United Nations as the main channel for effective dialogue, exchange, cooperation and joint risk management, and to formulate and improve universally accepted rules and standards.

“It is necessary to reduce the misuse of information technology, electronic surveillance, cyber-attacks and the arms race in cyberspace. It is necessary to prevent terrorists from using the Internet to recruit, finance or organize terrorist attacks. It is important to prevent the Internet from becoming a hotbed of hate speech, racism, pornography and violence,” Zhang said. .

The Chinese ambassador also noted the need to support research and development capacity in developing countries and reduce the digital divide to bridge the development gap, noting that developing countries should be supported in the use of high-tech products and big data. Effective governance and crime prevention and suppression.

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“China welcomes the comprehensive and continuous dialogue within the framework of the General Assembly to enhance mutual trust and ensure that developing countries can fully enjoy their right to peaceful use of science and technology,” Zhang concluded.

By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."