In childhood, the main risk of viral hepatitis is the potential to cause problems for other organs or to develop into a severe, fulminant version. (Photo: Julian Trommer/Unsplash)
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently issued a warning about a possible outbreak of acute hepatitis C in children of unknown cause. The first notifications were found in children under 10 years of age, without pre-existing diseases. In Brazil, in 2022 alone, Ministry of Health data indicates 28 suspected cases of viral hepatitis, with higher rates in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Sopaolo.
According to Dr. Paula Borelli, pediatrician at Grupo Criognesis, hepatitis is an inflammatory process in the liver, which usually occurs as a result of infectious conditions. “The main causes are viruses, but the disease can also be caused by the excessive use of certain medications, autoimmune diseases, Drug abuse and excessive alcohol consumption,” he explains.
Pediatrician says that the main danger in childhood Hepatitis The chance of causing problems for other organs or developing into a sharp, impulsive version. He asserts that “these complications occur in a small group of children, and correspond to the most severe spectrum of the disease.” In these cases, the risk is greater. Therefore, the patient must be transferred to a specialized service that may require a Liver transplantationDoctor details.
Despite the increase in cases in the country, the hematologist explains that there is no need to make a fuss, however, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms. The new variant of hepatitis usually presents with the acute form and yellowish appearance of the most obvious jaundice. In addition, it accompanies gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever and muscle aches, ”warns Paola Borrelli.
Treatment seeks to relieve symptoms and treat and stabilize the patient if the condition is severe. Recommendations can be improved once the source of infection is identified. “Usually, the disease resolves after a few weeks, with rest, a diet low in fats and carbohydrates, and it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids,” says the doctor.
Minas continues to investigate 6 suspected cases of acute occult hepatitis.
The pediatrician confirms that a few relatively simple precautions can help prevent transmission of various forms of the disease. Educate youngsters to maintain basic hygiene to ward off viruses. This is because they reside in feces and spread through other hosts. In addition, it is ideal to keep the vaccination book up to date. Dosages against hepatitis A and B are available through the Unified Health System (SUS), doctor recommends.