One of the big news of the week is the arrival of Telegram Premium and its new features. This add-on service created by Pavel Durov brings many extras that users will want to take advantage of.
Being not a free proposition, there is now a possibility that it will be cheaper, with little change. This is a very cool discount that you can easily take advantage of by subscribing to Telegram Premium.
With the introduction of the new Telegram Premium, it became clear what this bundle of extensions will bring to the users. In addition to new stickers and other additions in this area, the ability to send files up to 4 GB and get faster downloads stands out. There are also changes in terms of channels.
Telegram Premium in its normal form
To access Telegram Premium, users need to pay a monthly fee of €5.99. This is an in-app subscription that is easy to access. This means that the latest version of the application for this service exists.
With the update of this app, you will find a new entry in its list. You should choose this option which is of course called Telegram Premium. Here you can see the extras that will be offered and the access to payment. This will be done through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Cheaper by evading Google and Apple
Of course, there is a completely legal and recommended way to get these add-ons at a lower price, for only 3.99 €. To do this, they must purchase the subscription through the bot created for this purpose. This will only work on (Android) version available on the site This is a messaging service.
The way to get Telegram Premium without paying commissions to Google and Apple is to access this bot (Tweet embed) and follow the current steps. They can access this new product for 3.99 € and the payment process is simple, following the steps on the screen.
Again, it is clear that the commissions charged by Apple (30% in the first year) and Google (15%) convert any payment and significantly increase its value. By purchasing a Telegram Premium subscription directly from the service, it is naturally cheaper and easily accessible.