Leandro has spilled the beans and exposed the manipulation on his part.”Big brother“.
In a conversation with Patricia Silva and Diana Lopez, the controversial singer recalled his participation in the previous version of “Big Brother – Desafio Final,” in 2022, after “Big Brother Famosos.”
“The second time I went in and there was this scene with my kids and I don't know what it was. In the second week, I couldn't help myself and said: Look at you [produção] Find a way for me [ser expulso] Otherwise me [desisto]'“, he started by saying.
“Then I went to the plate with Antonio [Bravo] It even created a tent because they showed the drawings and then changed them. There was a hell of a tent outside because of that.He added, leaving Diana Lopez in shock.
“My sister had a bad time at the party. But she didn't know what was happening inside. I was supposed to stay“, he concluded.
Read also: Big Brother – Final Challenge: Leandro's brother points the finger at TVI
We also have a rigged game for when a competitor wants to leave! We changed the votes! TVI at its best! #bbtvi #Shamitvi After all, Bruno de Carvalho's dismissal was also fabricated. 😌 #bbtvi pic.twitter.com/w9u9SEGkUT
– Sophie 🎾🦇 (@Sophis90702131) January 19, 2024
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