On Saturday, the Ciência Viva Center in Braga celebrated its fifth anniversary, with an autumn soiree.
Autumn Evening is an event open to the whole community, where many activities have been carried out, from the “Bats in Autumn” workshop held by Bioaventuras, the “Aromatic Plants” workshop and the “Que Smell a Autumn” workshop. There were also several immersive planetarium sessions and astronomical observation set to music by Imploding Stars.
The official opening ceremony included a performance by the percussion band Esperal Team, followed by a performance by the Cavaquinhos from the Diocese of Gualtar.
In addition to the director of Centro Ciência Viva de Braga João Vieira, the education consultant at the ceremony was also present. Braga city council, Carla Sepúlveda, and the President of the General Meeting of ORION, José Augusto Ferreira Araújo.
Joao Vieira thanked the attendance of all visitors and authorities, noting the expansion of the center and the importance of communicating science with schools and society at large. He also highlighted the “excellent work of the entire team at the Centro Ciência Viva de Braga, which receives daily school visits and carries out various scientific activities for the general public”.
In turn, Carla Sepúlveda said: “Although I have been a member of the Education Council for a relatively short time, I recognize that the Sencia Viva Center in Braga represents a milestone in the field of education and scientific communication. The City Council will continue to be an outstanding partner. The center wants to grow and we will provide our support. To make this possible, above all because of the importance it represents to schools in our municipality.”
Jose Augusto thanked the entire team for their performance during these five years. In the words of Centro Ciência Viva de Braga Director, “The Autumn Evening was a success that exceeded expectations, counting on continuing to grow year after year with the future expansion of the space.”
More than 600 people visited the Ciência Viva Center during the event.
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