A conversation about Charlotte Foster’s rat (29) caused her son-in-law Ben Quinn (28) to literally boil.
The latter was sentenced to 21 months in prison and a five-year restraining order was imposed on him in February this year.
Now the mother of one of them from Carlisle in England tells for the first time what happened on this August day in 2021.
– Call me stupid
Because the mouse, Ruby, had been struggling to breathe for a while, Foster decided to take the pet to the vet. Here she recommended treating the rat with allergy medication.

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Since Foster and Quinn both own a rat, they often share experiences with each other. She did the same this time, but her brother-in-law’s response to the text message wasn’t quite what she expected.
Call me stupid for giving medicine to a rat. I was shocked by the answer, and on my way home from the store, I decided to stop at Ben’s to explain that he had hurt me. Foster says I regret it to this day.
“Take it, old woman!”
She showed up at her brother-in-law’s house, but instead of eliciting an apology, the conversation took a dramatic and unexpected turn.

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Ben suddenly shouted: “Take it, old lady!” , before pouring boiling water from a kettle over the child’s mother’s head.
– I felt burning in my head, in my ears, and down my neck. He kept pouring even though I yelled at him to stop. Foster says I’ve never felt such pain before.

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She ran inside and threw herself into the bathtub to cool herself with the cold water. Quinn’s mother, with whom he was staying at the time, heard her screams and called an ambulance.
After Foster received first aid from the paramedics, she returned home. Here her fiancé Sam, the Queen’s brother, was waiting with the police.
The brother-in-law was initially arrested, but was released on bail.
– melted
Foster was then taken to the hospital and treated for first and second degree burns. In the weeks that followed, she was watched closely by a specialist for the burns the attack had caused her.
In addition to the excruciating pain, Foster discovered, to her and her son’s dismay, that the burns were gradually changing their appearance.
The freckles she’s had since she bounced back a bit.
FRECKLESS: Foster lost all of her freckles after the attack. Here she is pictured with Ruby, who sadly passed away shortly thereafter. Photo: SWNS
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My freckles died and literally fell off my face as my skin melted. Growing up with freckles isn’t always easy, because you get annoyed, but you eventually learn to appreciate them, she says and adds:
I had nightmares
– Now that they’re gone, my face looks completely different, which is a constant reminder of the attack, she says.

– Thankful that I can talk
Foster is glad that her brother-in-law has received a prison sentence, but at the same time stresses that it will not be enough to compensate for the physical and mental stress she has been subjected to.
Now, almost two years later, she still has nightmares, and a flick of the kettle switch can make her freak out.
She feels sorry that the accident ruined the close relationship with her in-laws, but at the same time thanks her fiancé, Sam, for all his support.
Foster’s rat died in November of the same year as the attack.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”