Luciana Abreu was on the agenda after her affair with bullfighter Joao Mora Caetano became official. The SIC presenter has been a topic of conversation on “Passadeira Vermelha”, a SIC Caras program presented by Liliana Campos and with Sara Norte, Joanna Latino and Hightower Lourenço on the commentators panel, which showed a bullfighting divorce.
Not liking to see his partner’s career embroiled in noise, he shared a post from a bullfighting support page, ‘Aos Olhos de uma Aficiona’, which responded to statements made at the rally. which included an unflattering reference to Sara Norte’s pastmore specifically the time spent in prison for drug trafficking.
To Sara Norte who repeated “No to bullfighting” more than once, I took the opportunity to tell her that she had denied herself the Portuguese passion He certainly acquired values and principles that would give him better years than he would watch the sun in the squares. Shame on your face and talk about what you want, just don’t use bullfighting in your disgusting and biased comments,” it can be read.
It should be noted that, oddly enough, Sara Norte and Luciana Abreu crossed paths in the cast of the SIC soap opera, “Lua de Mel”completed in November 2022.