Brazilian expelled from Games hires lawyers to 'take necessary action' | Olympics

Brazilian expelled from Games hires lawyers to 'take necessary action' | Olympics

Swimmer Ana Carolina Vieira, who was expelled from the Brazilian delegation competing at the Paris Olympics, has hired a law firm to analyze the circumstances under which she was excluded from Brazil's team.

In a memo issued on Tuesday, the advocates stated that “necessary measures will be taken so that the facts are effectively investigated before the competent authorities.”

The document, which the athlete published on her Instagram page, stated that she is undergoing a period of “psychological rehabilitation”, as “the damage caused by the dismissal… [afastamento] “It is psychologically and professionally irreparable,” the memo states.

Lawyers hired by Ana Carolina also claim that she was dismissed without the right to defend herself, and say her behavior was motivated solely by the goal of defending the interests of her team.

The swimmer reportedly had a heated argument with members of the technical committee. The reason for the quarrel was the decision to exclude swimmer Maria Fernanda Costa, known as Mavi, from the team that would compete in the 4x200m freestyle, which included a relay of athletes. Ana Carolina was not happy about losing her most competitive teammate in the relay, and rebelled.

“Out of a sense of patriotism, knowing that the decision would directly impact the team’s performance, Ana Carolina spoke on behalf of the team, which cannot be confused with aggression or disrespect,” the defenders say.

The Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) announced the expulsion of Ana Carolina on Sunday, July 28. According to the organization, the athlete left the Olympic Village without authorization with her boyfriend on Friday night (26). While she received a warning, she was expelled. According to the entity, the supposed discussion with the technical committee weighed on her.

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Exclusive General/Fulha From San Paolo
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By Melody Gross

"Writer. Communicator. Award-winning food junkie. Internet ninja. Incurable bacon fanatic."