Ricardo Oliveira died in June 2023 and the compensation owed to the Parvalorum Public Foundation has not been paid.
Ricardo Oliveira’s debts to Parvalorim resulted, according to a source close to Parvalorim, from a non-appealable ruling in criminal case 4910/08 (the main investigation of the BPN), where Parvalorim seeks civil compensation in the amount of five million euros. In the process, Ricardo Oliveira was acquitted of the crime of qualified fraud in the court of first instance, in 2017, but the Court of Appeal of Lisbon, after an appeal by the Public Ministry, found him guilty in 2019.
According to the same sources, the ruling grants Parvalorim an executive title that allows him to enforce this debt. Hey poison He tried to speak to the businessman’s lawyer via phone and SMS, but at the time of writing, this was not possible. Parvalorem is now waiting for Ricardo Oliveira’s heirs, his wife and three daughters, to take an inventory of the undivided inheritance.SLN Valor, a former shareholder of the company that owns BPN, is also a creditor of Ricardo Oliveira. SLN Valor is in bankruptcy, and according to poisonintends to file an application for insolvency of the businessman’s illiquid, undivided inheritance, to try to recover a claim of more than two million euros.
74 cars worth 50 million
The businessman had 74 classic Mercedes cars. Its value was estimated at €50 million, according to BPN case records. In 2013, 67 cars were sold in London. Parvalorem seized the proceeds of the sale and unsold cars, but then returned the assets.