On Thursday, 26 dead people were pulled out of two destroyed apartment buildings in Borodjanka. Before the war, the city had a population of about 13,000.
– In his evening address on Ukrainian television on Thursday, the president said that the situation in Borodzhanka is more frightening than in Potsja.
– Rubble removal work has begun in Borodjanka. The news agency quoted the president as saying that the situation is significantly worse there and with more victims of the Russian occupation Reuters.
Borodjanka and Butja are located northwest of the capital, Kyiv.
A bus passing by another residential area is torn to shreds.
Photo: Genia Savelov/AFP
The devastation is gradually being revealed as the Ukrainian authorities enter the area from which Russian forces withdrew in recent days.
Cleaning is in progress. All homes must be inspected. All findings must be documented with a view to the subsequent prosecution of war crimes. But it takes time.
Bodies in body bags in Botja. The photo was taken on April 6.
Photo: Rodrigo Abd / AP
Borodjanka’s acting mayor, Georgi Yerko, said earlier that there may be more than 200 civilians killed in the city.
Claims that cluster munitions were used
Ukrainian lawyer Irina Venediktova Write on Twitter Borodzhanka is the most devastated city in the Kyiv region.
She wrote that Russian forces used cluster munitions, heavy rocket launchers, and rockets against civilians.
She says there are no military installations in the city.
Destroyed apartment complexes in Borodjanka.
Photo: Facebook / Iryna Venediktova
The photo in the post shows massive destruction with unburned housing blocks and bombing. And spread parts of missile weapons in the streets.
Russia says that the photos from Botsja are fabricated, that there are also archers, and that they were placed there after the Russian forces left Botsya.
Satellite imagery shows that this is just as low in the streets long before Russian forces withdrew from Potsja
NRK is among the foreign media who have been in Botsja and witnessed dead residents with their hands tied behind their backs.
50 dead in the garage
On Wednesday, it became known that 400 residents were missing from a third city north of the capital, Kyiv. The city of Hostomel, with a population of 16,000, is located near the Antonov Air Force Base where the invasion began on the night of February 24.
According to the Ukrainian newspaper “Okrajinska Pravda”, eyewitnesses saw several Russian soldiers being kidnapped two weeks ago.
On Friday, Okarinska Pravda wrote that 50 people were found dead in a garage in the city.
4700 evacuees
Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Irina Verychuk said 4,676 people were evacuated through humanitarian corridors on Thursday.
3256 of these came from the cities of Mariupol and Berdyansk. 1420 evacuated from Luhansk.
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