a Little Oliver, son of Jessica Azade and Diogo Amaral, turned two this Tuesday, June 8. A date celebrated with a themed party. But “the wind did not help,” as the actress recounted on her Instagram page.
“Best family photo we got! Firefighter theme because I thought the kid deserved a family birthday party. The wind didn’t help,” she began by writing Jessica Athede in a caption for a series of photos taken during the ceremony.
“Wine has helped me with my mental health and the amount of sugar there is today will be worth a night that obviously won’t sleep well, but Two-year-old pudding that deserves the world“he added.
When she thanked lifeinparty for “having a great party,” the actress said when she thanked lifeinparty:Unfortunately it flew with the wind“.” The biodegradable balloons are from “1001 Festas” and the cake was so perfect that I thought I’d freeze a three-year-old candle by Chef Renata Ibanes. There is nothing better than seeing our children happy“, Completed.
See photos of this moment in the gallery.
Read also: Jessica Athede shows moments with her son. Oliver should be congratulated