You may have at one time or another received a call from an international number. Given this characteristic, he likely did not respond and do a very good job. However there is a big problem. There is an increasing wave of dangerous calls, this time not from international numbers, and now in September they are arriving with force. This is a national phone call and the goal is to convince you to make the investment. Needless to say, this is a scam. But the big problem here is that the call is made from a national phone number. This results in a lot of people attending. However, be very careful if they call your cell phone and say this!
Be careful if they call your cell phone and say this! Hang up soon!
In the specific case of one of the calls we received, it came from 926131854. Of course, it can vary. They told me that I was contacted because I showed interest in investing and they promised us worlds and money. Naturally, all this ends with the victim providing the data that is used for more diverse purposes. Anyone on the other side is very persuasive and is trained to get people to make decisions quickly or at least reveal data. In fact, everything happens so quickly that anyone who isn’t paying attention could easily end up revealing what they shouldn’t.
In other words, the big warning here is to be very careful because the issue of filtering by national and international numbers no longer applies. Now any national number can be dangerous.
So the only magic rule to be safe is to not provide your details in these type of calls.
This type of scam continues to increase, and in many cases, non-existent mobile numbers are also spoofed. Everything is used to deceive more people. So be very careful.
The important thing you should do is report these numbers immediately. In most cases, you can do this through the calling app you’re using. For example, in the case of smartphones Samsung GalaxyIf you go for contact information, there is a list below where you can block and report the number. Now this is exactly what you should do right away. First block then report.
However, this ends up working in a community style like Waze. If everyone participates, everyone is safer.
“Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja.”