Be Aware of These Points Before Buying a Samsung TV (Details You Should Know)

Be Aware of These Points Before Buying a Samsung TV (Details You Should Know)

The Samsung It is one of the technology giants in the world with the manufacture of various technological devices. One of its main products is smart TVs, check out some important points of the brand before buying one.

Samsung frame. (Photo: Disclosure / Samsung)

Samsung is the market leader

It is no exaggeration to say that the brand is the leader in the global market, at least in terms of smartphones and smart TVs. For every 5 TVs sold worldwide, one is Samsung, according to Ranking 2020.

as a leading company, Samsung It invests in research and innovations, and launches original and innovative products every year.

Learn some important points for Smart TVs from Samsung Before you decide which one to buy, check it out!

Variety of models

There is something to suit all budgets (and tastes). Neo QLed technology, for example, is one of the brand’s novelties and promises greater brightness of the image, giving a more realistic effect.

This model contains the exclusive processor of Samsungand almost any 4K content counts depending on the scene.

The Samsung model is not one of the cheapest (it costs about 10 thousand RRL), but it offers everything that it promises.

Another interesting model is 43 inch QLED TV. With a slim design and a matte fabric, this model is for art lovers who want to make their TV a painting.

That’s right, the TV can be used to display a painting and turn the environment into a gallery. what about?

Now for game lovers, the company also has a special model for it with Samsung 65 Inch Smart Gaming TV. The model even has a list of games, not for flaws.

However, it is important to know that the brand has many other models (Full HD, 4K, 8K) as well as different sizes of inches, so research carefully what you are looking for, but know that Samsung have it for you.

The operating system

Tizen is the operating system for Samsung TVs and offers wireless and Bluetooth connectivity, in addition to having a store with more than 400 apps. Several streaming platforms are available – Netflix, Globo Play, Amazon, etc.

The system is particularly well known in terms of gaming with GameFly, a service that can replace some consoles.

One remote which is an integrated remote control and recognizes devices connected to the TV – home theater, for example.

In addition to voice and gesture interaction.

Are you convinced to buy a smart TV?

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By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."