Title in This Sunday caused some negative reactions in Portugal. After the defeat to Switzerland (1-2), in the fifth round of Group A5 of the League of Nations, the Madrid daily published a photo of Luis Enrique with the phrase – Less bad that Portugal fall – Which seems insulting to the national team and indicates some Spanish pride that needs to win in Braga to move to the last four.
However, it is an expression that was born in the 1980s in Galicia, and is back in vogue in recent protests against the entry of the troika into the neighboring country, which is intended to express discontent with the central government. The first time he was heard, it was in a famous monologue, the poet Anton Rexa introduced the Siniestro Total as: «Good evening, Spain. Vigo is a nation that lives in Portugal. The good, the ugly, the bad, the less bad that Portugal plagues us. They are Total Sinestro.”
The phrase caught on and gave its name to the third album of the group that became one of the greatest icons of Galician punk rock of the 1980s and carved the expression as an expression of dissatisfaction with the government. Since then it has become part of the Spanish rival movements, especially in Galicia.
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