Ball – awarded by Darwin and Gonzalo Ramos (Benfica)

Ball - awarded by Darwin and Gonzalo Ramos (Benfica)

Darwin (Footballer of the Year) and Gonzalo Ramos (Men’s Soccer) were distinguished on Thursday evening at the Cosme Damiao Gala, an initiative promoted within the scope of the 118th anniversary of Benfica’s founding.

Darwin won the vote over Rafa, Vlashodemus, Otamendi and Vertonghen, while Gonzalo Ramos was chosen over Morato and Paolo Bernardo.

At the ceremony at the Presidential Fund in Estádio da Luz, the High Competition Athlete Award was also awarded to Pedro Pichardo, while Artur Santos was the final winner of the Merit and Dedication Award.

Here are all the winners:
Football player: Darwin.

Footballer: Chloe Lacas;

Men’s Football Inspiration: Gonzalo Ramo;

Women’s soccer inspiration: Kika Nazareth;

Revelation modalities: Sylvester Ferreira (men’s futsal);

Method: men’s volleyball.
Award training: Under-19 roller hockey team;
Project of the Year: Eco Benfica
Partner of the Year: Eitares
Innovation: The Inner Player Monitoring Project:
High competition athlete: Pedro Piccardo (triple jump);

Coach of the Year: Marcel Matz (Men’s Volleyball).
Benfica’s house: Vila Nova de Gaia;
Greetings: Manuel Leporio
Occupation: Antonio Bastos Lopez
Merit and dedication: Artur Santos

By Melody Gross

"Writer. Communicator. Award-winning food junkie. Internet ninja. Incurable bacon fanatic."