Australia is the third most populous city by seven epidemics | World | D.W.

Australian authorities on Monday (03.29.2021) ordered a three-day jail term for about 2.4 million people in Brisbane, the country’s third-most populous city, after seven social outbreaks of COVID-19 were reported.

The head of state of Queensland, Annastasia Balassuk, reported four local cases in Brisbane with a British variant, which is considered highly contagious, from five o’clock in the afternoon, the week before the holy school holidays.

“I know it’s going to make some difference in people’s lives, but we need to do this soon. We’re already there three days ago. I hope we’ve all won it again if we do the right thing,” he told Balas, similar to the first outbreak last January with the British variant. Indicates the size.

Australian officials have expressed concern that some of those with COVID-19 have fled to various parts of Queensland and the neighboring state of New South Wales, while other jurisdictions in the country have strengthened preventive measures.

A doctor treating an overseas COVID-19 patient at a hospital in the Queensland capital began three weeks ago, with a total of 73 active cases so far, most of them among international travelers, according to official data.

Australia, due to the absence of COVID-19 community infections in its other regions, has seen 299,260 infections since the outbreak last year, including 909 deaths, and less than 200 active corona viruses, with almost all travelers returning from abroad.

The seafaring country, which ranks in the top ten in the world in health and economic management, has closed its borders from the onset of the epidemic to avoid contagion within its borders, although returnees have failed in isolated centers in Melbourne. It triggered a second wave from abroad last July.

gs (efe, ap, Reuters)

By Greg Vega

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer. Extreme travel aficionado."