Home entertainment August 12-18, 2024. Which zodiac signs will have a lucky week? – Present

August 12-18, 2024. Which zodiac signs will have a lucky week? – Present

August 12-18, 2024. Which zodiac signs will have a lucky week? – Present

Sun in Aries

From March 20 to April 18

Your energy wants to be creative and therefore everything that represents details will require more effort. Anything that sparks your spirit of adventure and travel is bound to go well. Remember the little details like insect repellent and the SOS bag. The 13th will be the best day to enjoy the company of others, as your cheerful side is active. April natives set new goals for the coming season. In your intimate life, be careful about the desire to be at the center of the relationship and for everything to be about you. Some Sheep will face a crisis in financial management and those who work will face some difficulties. Aries natives should not let the hardships of the recent past undermine their optimism for the present and the future.

Sun in Taurus

From April 19 to May 19

There is a romantic spirit in the air, to enjoy the mutual companionship of the couple and of others, and to review love issues from the past. Many Tauruses explore a new cycle, with a sense of freshness. The 15th will be ideal for dealing with material things: the house, the car, and that sort of thing. Those who work are going through a phase of success. Family vacations will also bring a sense of satisfaction. Some Tauruses have a restless and anxious energy. They must make an effort to balance this reaction with the constant changes. In general, for those born under this sign, a space has been created to reflect on what best nourishes their lives, that is, on the relationships that have the best effects.


From May 20 to June 19

Gemini are at the center of the stars. The focus is on energy, action, competition, and travel. All of this comes with the corresponding burden of taking on greater responsibilities and having to think about the consequences of both actions. This energy tends to express itself in the family nucleus in the form of decisions. The energies are very strong and can translate into something very good, but also into a kind of shock that tests your inner strength. You must get out of dangerous situations and keep your cool. The May Twins are fighting small battles in the professional sphere, where they will need to have a comprehensive and ethical spirit. The 15th will be the focus on relationships, and for some, these interactions will be active. The 18th will be the one with clearer energy mentally.

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From June 20 to July 21

Monday will be perfect for retreating to your personal space and organizing things. Great inspiration will come from the desire to take care of yourself, change some habits, and rethink routines. The 15th and 16th will be more focused on relationships, whether family, work, friendships, or being with and for others. In private, you may find yourself thinking that the other person is fussy and full of quirks. For many Cancers, there is a festive spirit, linked to friends and groups that already have some complicity. Those who are later in life will have a more emotional and moving Monday. Cancers have reached a stage where they are as transparent as water and simply walk, giving them a special shine.


From July 22nd to August 21st

Some Leos celebrate the annual dance around the sun with a festive spirit. The 14th will be particularly enthusiastic. For others, it is a time to review and rethink all projects or situations that were started some time ago and now need improvement. Some will face pent-up anger that they did not know they had, even in professional matters, and they must be careful in irregular situations. Later people face issues of self-love and recognition that have meaning, and rethink many things, including relationships. Leos feel reluctant to join others in sharing common goals, and they must look to the leader of the group to understand whether there is a real closeness or not.


From August 22nd to September 21st

Virgos in August will be in the mood to sit back and do nothing. However, if they are not on vacation, they will have to put in triple the effort in their usual tasks. There is also the possibility of people or subjects from the past returning. The 15th and 16th will be a day to take care of practical matters. The best thing this sign can do is travel, but they will have difficulties with travel companions and intimate partners. Virgos may find themselves involved in a conflict and should not lay down their arms. On the other hand, they may have to abandon some projects, so that they can start over with other people. On the 18th, you will have everything that makes you feel that your relationships are in a critical place. The same can happen with family relationships.


From September 22nd to October 21st

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The weekend of the 17th and 18th will be a fun conversation with friends and those in your closest circle. For many of the sign's inhabitants, energy is inexhaustible and there will be many experiences that will take place. They will have to be careful not to lose their center and remain able to know what they want, in the midst of so many contacts. The entire intimate life is stimulated, as well as intense physical activities. Those who are in a later stage of life may see old health conditions awakening again and need to resume some routines. The future of those born under this sign is currently unknown, some may experience an existential void and others feel afraid to put an end to a situation.

the scorpion

From October 22nd to November 20th

He has new vitality and optimism. The stage of important conversations remains active, especially on the love level. You will find yourself with new ideas for the future and feel excited to discover how to put them into practice. It is not the best week for travel, as you will feel that things are not going smoothly. If you are already on the road, learn how to keep your cool while everything is being arranged. You may find yourself in dead-end situations, you will have to withdraw, detaching yourself from everything that does not conflict with your principles and personality. Do not act unless you feel inspired by the sense of mission. If not, dance the tango to the music they offer you. The emotions of some Scorpios will rise on the 12th, making it a good day to gather more feelings.


From November 21 to December 20

Sagittarians have problems with translation. Communication in various areas is in crisis. They will have to try to get the same message across in different ways. For those in romantic relationships, the nerves will be very high, and what happens on the conflict side can be complicated, but if they are on the love side it will be good to live. On the other hand, some Sagittarians should be careful with authorities. The energy in question can be experienced in a constructive way if you direct your efforts towards the physical implementation of ideas. In the midst of turbulent situations, do not lose focus, think about your initial goals and define your position. Trust someone who can help you and follow your wiser side.

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From December 21 to January 19

Their relationships are now the subject of tense reflection. On a mental level, you have everything that makes you feel exhausted, with different topics and this crisis will make you want to withdraw from the world. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by situations that do not represent a problem, and gain more flexibility. On the 16th and 17th, you will have moments of affection with the closest people in your life and some tension will disappear. Some of those born under this sign suffer from health problems, whether physical or mental. It is also a stage of balancing the ability to be self-sufficient in relationships with others, but without losing the ability to be weak and surrender.


From January 20 to February 18

You will tend to make serious mistakes, paying extra attention to everything. On the other hand, you may reach a dead end in conversations, feeling as if you do not understand what is going on. You should stay focused on your goals and try to put a fence around yourself so that you do not get out of focus. At the same time, put an end to opposition, and think about your general well-being. Many Aquarians will have experiences that expand their knowledge, either because they take courses or because they travel and are exposed to different cultures. For these, intimate relationships have all the benefits of a lot of stimulation. On the weekends you can expand the scope of friendships, and you will spend the days in familiarity.


From February 19 to March 19

It would be ideal to go on a spiritual retreat where you will only need to look inward and nothing else. In fact, not being able to be in this type of environment, it will seem that you do not speak the same language as others, unless you meet someone “from your planet”, which can also happen and the relationship can be amazing. Some natives of this sign will have serious emotional problems, and they will have to be very calm. An accident or incident may also occur, where you will have to maintain peace of mind and clarity of action. Learn how to develop clarity in what you want to convey and clearly distinguish reality from fantasy.


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