Astronauts return to the moon in this spacesuit designed by Prada

Astronauts return to the moon in this spacesuit designed by Prada

the Axiom Space, the company that was responsible for developing the costumes for the astronauts on the mission that will return humans to the moon – Artemis III – revealed the designs created in collaboration with… Prada.

“This is an innovative partnership.”Russell Ralston, executive vice president of Axiom Space, said, according to CNN: “We combine engineering, science and art”.

The publication says that these facts are called Axiom extra-vehicle mobility unitwas developed to be one size and be compatible with the facial features of both men and women. Furthermore, Axiom Space highlighted at the press conference that this new suit allows astronauts to spend at least eight hours spacewalking, and that it is equipped with a material capable of reflecting heat and protecting from lunar dust.

For Prada Group Chief Marketing Officer, Lorenzo Bertelli, this fact will serve not only this space mission of the Artemis programme, but also the new era of the relationship between humans and space.

“Nowadays, anyone with a lot of money can go to space.”Bertelli said. “It will soon be more accessible and people will be able to go to the moon, so I think we are at the beginning of a new era.”.

Recall that the Artemis III mission is scheduled to launch in the second half of 2026.

Read also: The mystery deepens. Radio signals from space repeat every 16 days

By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."