“Asim” is married to his cousin. Norway will now ban cousin marriage.

“Asim” is married to his cousin.  Norway will now ban cousin marriage.

If a first cousin has a child, the risk of infant death and birth defects increases, FHI believes. If there was a health risk, it would have been present in the Qur’an, as Asim believes.

    A bride shows off her wedding jewelry.

A bride shows off her wedding jewelry.

The short version

In Norway, it is not forbidden to marry one’s cousin. But now it may be blocked. The government presents a proposal to amend the marriage law

Marriages between aunt/uncle and nephew/niece can also be prohibited. The purpose is to prevent health damage in children. The authorities assume that they will also be able to reduce the risks of forced marriage.

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By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."