Anti-dengue campaign removes 5 tons of potential Aedes aegypti breeding sites in Ribeirão Preto, SP | Ribeirao Prieto and Franca

Anti-dengue campaign removes 5 tons of potential Aedes aegypti breeding sites in Ribeirão Preto, SP |  Ribeirao Prieto and Franca

The Environmental Monitoring Department of Ribeirão Preto (SP) announced on Sunday (29) that about 5 tons of potential breeding sites for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were collected during the joint dengue control effort held on Saturday (28).

In all, five trucks were used to remove items such as cans, plastic bottles, hardware carcasses, and 120 tires that were dumped in the open in backyards and on the ground.

The city council worked in the neighborhoods of Parque Ribeirão and Jardim Marchesi, in the western part of the city, and visited 3,646 properties.

During the work, 15 outbreaks of mosquito larvae were detected and eliminated.

According to the Department of Health Surveillance, joint efforts against breeding sites resumed in August due to the possibility of rain in September, which can cause instances of standing water, aiding the breeding of mosquitoes that transmit dengue, Zika and Chikungunya fever. .

In 2021, the city recorded 306 cases of dengue, one case of chikungunya imported from Praia Grande (SP) and no Zika confirmed, according to the city’s latest July tally.

Videos: All about Ribeirão Preto

By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."