André Freire, political scientist and professor of political science at Iscte-IUL, died on Wednesday, October 30, according to RTP. The teacher and researcher was 63 years old.
Born in 1961, he graduated in 1995 in Sociology from Iscte-IUL. He pioneered the creation of electoral studies in Portugal based on post-election opinion polls, in 2002 and 2005. In 2004, he obtained a doctorate in social sciences from the University of Lisbon.
The political scientist who was director of the Observatory on Democracy and Political Representation at Iscte, has published several studies on voter attitudes and behaviour, political institutions and political representation. Since 2006, he has been a columnist for PÚBLICO, and has collaborated with other media outlets.
Politically, he entered the primaries to run for the position of Deputy Livre/Tempo d'Avankar in the 2015 legislative elections.
Since 2015, he has held the position of PhD Director in Political Science at Iscte-IUL. He has given classes and presented conferences at several Portuguese and international universities. In August 2023, in an interview with PÚBLICO, he said that “culturally” he felt at home “in Spain, France, Scandinavia and Quebec”, but he could not imagine living in those places, “because of the atmosphere and/or climate”. Low light over long periods”
He signed several statements and petitions: In defense of democracy, equality and public services (2011); Stick to the left (2009); In defense of public television service (2012) and other initiatives such as the Democratic Conference for Alternatives (2012).
On Monday, October 28, he presented his latest book, Elections, parties and political representationpublished by Gradiva, in the Municipal Library of Alcantara, in Lisbon.
Andre Freire underwent surgery on his shoulder on Tuesday at the Hospital da Luz, in Oeiras, after he suffered a cardiac and respiratory arrest following the surgery that forced him to be transferred to the Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, in Lisbon, because it was the closest hospital. In intensive care, where he ended up dying. This operation, which had already been scheduled, was postponed so that Freire could present his new book on Monday. A source at Hospital da Luz told PÚBLICO that there was no infection after surgery, contrary to what RTP initially reported. With Lusa
The text was updated at 10:21 pm with information from Hospital da Luz