Earlier this week, a 34-year-old man entered the emergency room of the University of Iowa Hospital in the United States.
Not only was he suffering from severe stomach pains and frequent vomiting – the man also hadn’t pooped for more than a day, and he was clearly affected by this.
The 34-year-old felt generally unwell and was very concerned about ending the problem, according to the medical report published in Cureus academic journal.
The pain is said to have come a day after the man ate a somewhat special diet – which doctors later found out.
– Tired of being called a bum
I ate angrily
According to the medical report, doctors conducted a CT scan of the man’s abdomen and pelvis, suspecting a small bowel obstruction.
But there they discover a condom with cloudy contents.
Thus, the man pleaded guilty, admitting that the night before he ate a condom with a banana in it.
why? Because he was angry – or rather, angry.
The man admitted to swallowing a banana wrapped in a condom due to a hormonal tantrum, 24 hours before the hospital visit.says the magazine’s author Karan Rao in the report.
She dubbed the report, “Banana in the condom: an unusual cause of small bowel obstruction.”
The doctors point out in the report that the most common reason for finding condoms in the intestines is drug smuggling.
In this case, it is claimed that sheer rage was the source of the somewhat strange discovery.
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not affected
With the help of a small surgery, the doctors managed to remove the condom with the banana.
Following the operation, they asked the 34-year-old a few control questions, which he is said to have answered confidentially and promptly.
“The man claims that he has not used any illegal drugs. He also says that he does not drink more than one unit of alcohol per week, and insists that he swallowed a banana out of anger.” stated in the report.
Never forgive him
Furthermore, it was confirmed that the man was suffering from a small bowel obstruction, or constipation – but only due to eating banana condoms.
The man was allowed to go home with the painkillers. A week later, doctors reported that his stools had returned to normal and that his stomach was “in balance”.