Altri offers 25 shares of GreenVolt for every 100 bonds. And up to 25 cents in cash – Bolsa

Altri offers 25 shares of GreenVolt for every 100 bonds.  And up to 25 cents in cash - Bolsa

The company said Altri wants to hand over 43.27% of the capital it holds directly in GreenVolt, out of a total of 52,523,229 shares. in the current situation Expose them to CMVM. The factor 0.25604641 will be used to get the number of shares each Altri shareholder is entitled to.

If the board’s proposal is approved in the general assembly, assuming the investor has 100 shares, he will receive 25 bonds, which results in rounding 25.604641 to the lowest whole number.

However, the tax will be deducted from the number of shares receivable, which varies by type of investor (some do not pay, companies pay 25% and individuals pay 28%).

Using the same example, the private investor, at an average of 28%, is entitled, instead of 25 bonds, to 18 shares of GreenVolt, the remainder resulting from rounding (0.43534 of the 18.43534 bonds paid in cash, taking into account the GreenVolt quote.

divided money

Altri will also propose to shareholders a cash dividend of 0.25 euros per share, equivalent to 51,282,918 euros.

The total rewards in cash and in kind may never exceed the value of Altri’s full profit and free reserves, until their value reaches €112,748,942.

In this sense, the value of the dividend may be lower than the now suggested value of €0.25, depending on the average retention rate applied to different types of investors and the price of GreenVolt stock.

The higher the average retention rate and exposure of GreenVolt at the time the dividend is paid, the lower the cash dividend amount.

By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."