In recent weeks, we have witnessed the timid drumbeat of the trade war between the European Union and China. A conflict related to the alleged illegal aid provided by the Asian giant to electric car manufacturers who want to invade Europe. Now, solar panel manufacturers are also calling for protectionist measures against the potential use of forced labor in PV panel production in China.
Hey European Solar Industrialization Council (ESMC), publicly announced that it called on the European Union to take action against the production of photovoltaic panels from the Xinjiang region.
An autonomous region in northwest China that has recently made headlines because United Nations reportwhere the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights indicates that China has committed “serious human rights violations” against it Uyghurs and “other Muslim-majority communities” in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
According to ESMC, Europe must adopt, as quickly as possible, clear and strong legislation to ban the sale of products manufactured using forced labour. The association also encouraged all its members to cut ties with suppliers in the Xinjiang region.
Pending legislation, the European Union must act urgently to prevent products made using forced labor from entering the European market.
It is also necessary to take other measures, such as creating a database of high-risk areas and products, implementing a mechanism to reverse the burden of proof and introducing due diligence obligations, among others.
It is a new measure that aims, on the one hand, to stop the unstoppable growth of exports from China, which threatens to bring down the European car industry, and, on the other hand, to reduce dependence on sectors such as batteries or solar panels.
It seems that the European Union is now concerned about the Asian giant and everything that the European market no longer needs from China. As we have seen recently, batteries are another “new problem” of addiction. Will there still be time?