After a miscarriage earlier this year: Boris Johnson’s wife becomes pregnant again – Panorama – Kesselsoft

After a miscarriage earlier this year: Boris Johnson's wife becomes pregnant again - Panorama - Kesselsoft

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson becomes a father again. His wife Gary wrote in an online service on Instagram on Saturday, “I felt it was an incredible blessing to be pregnant again.”

After a miscarriage that “broke her heart” at the beginning of the year, she was finally a “bundle of nerves”. The 33-year-old married Johnson, 57, in May. A good year ago, in April 2020, their first son Wilfried was born.

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Gary Symonds, now known as Johnson, campaigned during Johnson’s re-election as mayor of London in 2012, and later became head of communications for the Conservative Tories.

Johnson, who has been married twice, already has at least six children, 4 of whom are attorney Marina Wheeler and a daughter born in 2009 in a second affair. He left information about another child from an extramarital affair. (AFP)

By Greg Vega

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer. Extreme travel aficionado."