On Friday, American actor Charlie Sheen, known for starring in the series “Two and a Half Men,” was attacked by one of his neighbors at his home in Malibu, California. In a statement I quoted BBCThe Los Angeles Police revealed that they received a phone call about an “assault/nuisance” occurring at the home of the actor, who did not require medical assistance.
The suspect identified as Elektra Schrock was arrested on charges of assault causing potential harm or serious injury and burglary of a dwelling, according to law enforcement. According to several newspapers in North America, there have already been other unfortunate incidents involving the same woman and actor. In a previous incident, Shin's car was sprayed with a sticky liquid.
The 58-year-old actor has a history of alcohol and drug abuse and giving controversial interviews, which he explains to his addiction problems.
Charlie Sheen reveals he is HIV positive
In 2015, he revealed on a television program that he was infected with HIV, and that he was diagnosed with the condition about four years ago, after he complained of successive headache attacks. He admitted that he was “freeing himself from prison” and said that he had paid “millions” to several people so as not to reveal to the media his HIV status.