The comedy show “Morro Tomorrow” scheduled for next Wednesday, January 31 at the Teatro Sá da Bandeira in Porto has been cancelled. This news comes one day after Observador reported that comedian Rui Senel de Cordes was accused of insulting a woman who was watching the show at the Tivoli BBVA, in Lisbon, on the night of Tuesday 23rd, which led to several people in the room leaving.
“the offer Moro tomorrow “It has been cancelled,” a statement from Setlist, the comedy promoter and agency, said on social media. “Due to the events of January 23, which have nothing to do with the Tivoli Theater BBVA, Salvador Martina and Luis Franco Bastos, the necessary conditions for the LX Comedy Club to take to the stage have not been met,” the same text states:
The statement posted by promoter Setlist on social media
A day after the show in Lisbon, El Observador spoke to spectators in the hall, who did not want to be identified. They revealed that Roy Senel de Cordes performed on a “visibly changed” stage, interrupted his colleagues and skipped the session. The same sources said that at the end of the show, a woman from the audience raised her voice and addressed Roy Senel de Cordes, asking him to allow the rest of the audience to speak. The comedian then made “personal insults.” Several people left the room.
Comments were posted on the comedians' social networks that correspond to reports submitted to El Observador: “Looks like I was hanging out with a friend who doesn't know how to drink,” “Congratulations to @salvadormartinha and @luisfrancobastos, you are both great. You managed to contain the shame of others that we all feel Even you, phrases are not deceiving…”
In a post on the pages of the comedians' social network, one commentator said she was insulted: “What @ruisineldecordes did yesterday was completely disgraceful and disrespectful towards the audience, towards the colleagues on stage and above all towards Ricardo Filau. It was not a joke, it was drunkenness.” Sad. If it had been like that today, after two hours of trying to see Salvador and Luis' art, I would have asked my colleague to shut up again so the other two could continue the show. All the threats I received and the names I was freely called yesterday, I regret them but I am open “For clarifying it. Thank you @salvadormartinha and @luisfrancobastos for what you were able to provide.” reads the post. The supervisor tried to contact the user to no avail.
On Wednesday, one day after the show in Lisbon, those in charge of the room where the show was held sent the Observador a clarification: “The Tivoli Theater BBVA distances itself from any and all offensive positions and disavows the events that took place at the show.” I will die tomorrowOn January 23.” Also on Wednesday, comedian Salvador Martina declined to comment and Luis Franco Bastos referred to Setlist.
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