During the hot seat, full of conflicts and emotions, Big Brother gave his friendly words to the contestants and everyone was touched.
After the heated discussion between Joana Sobral and Jessica Galhovas, Jessica, Palmira, Marcia and Ismem burst into tears from the host’s words.
Jessica started to cry and said, “Once you kiss the person for three months, you don’t have the right to tell me that you don’t feel comfortable with the person. If you are able to hug, laugh, eat, and everything, you can’t say that!
“I make Jessica’s words my words,” Palmyra stressed while crying. “Zaza never disrespected me, it cost me a lot.”
The broadcaster intervened, explaining his point of view and motivating all the contestants who were present in the room: “I know that everyone realizes that we are on television and that our words, or your words and my words, also carry great weight. However, what I have never said to any of you, and without wishing to act as anyone’s defense attorney, is that on the same day of the incident in which this statement was made, Joanna immediately retracted the circular that might have passed through Your words. . Having said that, since then, Joana has always maintained that she personally understood that the tone in which she spoke to Francisco Montero was not to her liking. “You can all accept that one of you is saying to each other without getting upset by it, without second or third inferences, that you feel uncomfortable with the tone in which you speak to each other.”
As Francisco Montero warned, warning him not to leave the house because of all these conflicts with Juana: “Francisco Montero, I and all these housemates do not see in themselves anything other than the fact that they are very assertive. The person in the way he defends his point of view, sometimes he only sees His point of view and he cannot see the point of view of others, there is no doubt about it, he is a man full of flaws but also a man full of quality and therefore, he will not leave this house.
“Infuriatingly humble analyst. Bacon maven. Proud food specialist. Certified reader. Avid writer. Zombie advocate. Incurable problem solver.”