A BOLA – Luis Tado is planning this evening’s debate between Rui Costa and Francisco Benítez (Benfica)

A BOLA - Luis Tado is planning this evening's debate between Rui Costa and Francisco Benítez (Benfica)

For the first time in this century, candidates for the elections to Benfica’s governing bodies are facing an unprecedented debate in light of the early elections on Saturday 9 October. The debate will take place on the club’s channel BTV, which will be broadcast over an hour and a half at 9:30 pm on an open signal and face to face between first-list candidate Rui Costa and first-list candidate Francisco Benítez. list b.

It dates back to October 25, 2000, and is still in the 20th century, the last time two candidates for the Eagles election met to discuss ideas about the club’s future. The RTP controversy became famous – BTV was far from being at the time – by Manuel Villarneho and Joao Valle y Azevedo, then the president who was re-electing for a new term.

In statements you can read in this Thursday’s edition of A BOLA, Luis Tadeau, the defeated candidate in the 1997 elections, considers a discussion of ideas necessary to clarify partners and projects:

“It would certainly be a civilized debate…for those uncivilized debates which have already arrived from the time of Mr. Valli and Azevedo…it is necessary to understand what Benfica is today, with the resources presently in existence. In my opinion, I think the candidates should be careful to provide a perspective of what they want, not for immediate development, but for the development of Benfica in the medium term. The discussion cannot be reduced to the spot, but to what is expected in the medium term.”

Read more on digital edition Or in the print edition of A BOLA.

By Melody Gross

"Writer. Communicator. Award-winning food junkie. Internet ninja. Incurable bacon fanatic."