The Australian closed bee Was worn Officially extinct since 1923. Scientists left it for lost because they had not been seen for over a hundred years, but a few weeks ago, They report Kismodo, Were found Many models of freedom. Only found Six But the door opens Esperanza.
The story of a bee believed to be extinct
The story is a bit reminiscent of Golekanth. The Wild bee (Phyrohyllus lactiferous), Which has a very special shape due to its abdominal areas, was rediscovered when six specimens were discovered after it was declared practically extinct. However, and despite the fact that it is necessary to celebrate his appearance Australian Environmental Organization, The news seems to be absolutely not good, because all six copies entomlogos From University of Blinders in Australia I was able to find out later In-depth recording of 255 seats In which it may dwell or build a nest.
This is the last great search This is the last attempt of the local scientific community to find any colony Rare species before definite extinction. The entomlogo James Tore, Led to the search, which is a collection Thorough study Published in the Journal of Hymenoptera Research, they illustrate how often a particular type of plant is viewed. The tree rolls on firestenocarpus slnuatus), And the fire tree illavarra, Which produces a type of flower that feeds the Australian wild bee. But despite the belief that the invention was triggered, nothing is clear. This bee did not reappear, and appeared to be a sign of species recovery Mirage.
There are 1654 bees in Australia
As experts explain, The bee’s intense expertise towards these two types of plants almost condemns the extinction of the speciesThis is because this type of plant was not very widespread on the Australian continent after colonization deforestacin, Forcing the above pests to become more dependent on the trees Will gradually disappear. In recent years, since the beginning of human expansion in Australia, The continent has lost 40% of its forest area. However, scientists believe there may be scattered colonies in remote and inaccessible places Areas of the forest Dense, trees that feed on this species produce their flowers up to ten meters above the ground. These areas are difficult to study and are believed to have destroyed this bee’s last major refuge.
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