In the newly released book alien (In essence), you’re defending the idea that the interstellar object Oumuamua, discovered in 2017, could have been produced artificially. Is it a sign of other civilizations in the universe?Probably. Half of the Sun-like stars in the Milky Way have planets in habitable conditions. This means that there must be other civilizations. They may have appeared billions of years ago and released equipment from the solar system, as we have already done. Space archeology should look for these signs.
Why does the scientific community view your theory of ‘Oumuamua with suspicion?Most ignore the flaws that make this object different from anything we’ve seen before. Assuming Oumuamua is a simple glowing rock, this is something cavemen would do if they found a cell phone. His discovery takes science out of its comfort zone. A colleague told me he didn’t want ‘Oumuamua to be around, because it was too weird. This is the typical approach of the conservative world.
Could we ever come across UFOs?not nessacary. It’s like walking on the beach. Most of the things you find are rocks, but at some point you see a plastic bottle, which is an indication of someone passing by. It’s a technological signature that shows we’re not alone.
Assuming you’re right and aliens exist, why didn’t you contact us before?I don’t think they are interested. We are like ants on the sidewalk: when you go for a walk you don’t care about them. We humans are technological beings for centuries and the planet is 4.5 billion years old. Moreover, there is a narrow window for wireless communication, which explains the lack of feedback.
In the hypothetical case of proving the existence of aliens, what would change?It would be a similar shock to my daughter’s first day of school. Children think they are the smartest in the world until they enter school and meet other people. There will be influences on religious beliefs, our political differences and technology.
Are we ready for this?No, and there is no contingency plan. This is not a topic we discuss at the United Nations or any country. It’s a ridiculous topic, but one that could become a topic of debate if we gather enough evidence. We need to be aware.
Published in VEJA on June 16, 2021 Edition No. 2742