Collecting solidarity donations to pay for the postural chair and treatment.

Collecting solidarity donations to pay for the postural chair and treatment.

I am Tatiana, mother of Maria Alice, my daughter was born with a rare syndrome (Patau Syndrome) and has several congenital anomalies. Maria Alice was born with an enlarged kidney. She had two surgeries, one at 27 days to insert a tube and the other at 6 months to remove the blockage and rebuild it, but she was hospitalized due to infections. She was born with a heart murmur, neurological problems that she could not swallow, and fed orally. Through the gastronomy tube, he underwent surgery with his kidney at 27 days old, he also has a cleft palate in his throat, and will not undergo surgery unless speech and. Reflux is very important and causes a lot of choking.

Due to neurological problems, the development is very slow and growing, just any stroller is not recommended, so we ask for help in purchasing the Kimba positioning stroller, feeding pump and some treatment that neither SUS nor health insurance provides. The positioning cart has a saline port option for enteral diet mode and can be fed anywhere.

Maria Alice is a miracle from God, only 1% of children with this syndrome survive.

I came through this crowdfunding to ask for your help to give Maria Alice a little quality of life and I thank everyone who helps from the heart, if anyone wants to check, you can contact them and I will respond on 14-99156-0555. God bless you all 🙏

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By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."