3 mistakes you make on your computer and you do not know how they affect you

3 mistakes you make on your computer and you do not know how they affect you

If you have a computer, there may be some common practices you adopt that are hurting its performance. Therefore, we offer you some suggestions for habits that, if you have them, you should avoid from now on.

1. Having many open windows

Visually, having multiple windows open in a browser is something that can be overwhelming for anyone working on a computer. However, the problem here is that issues related to this practice can also interfere with the working of the device.

According to Readers' summaryThis is a frequent habit that leads to a greater slowdown in computer performance. Under normal circumstances, the user experience gets worse, but there seems to be a solution.

In an article published by Vox Media, citing observerexpert David Roberts reports on his computer methodically working with dozens (and dozens) of windows open. He says it works perfectly, thanks to a few extras.

He himself suggests, in particular, tools such as Partap Lite (Used frequently in Firefox). This will basically help your computer's memory to process information from different open tabs better. However, using as few windows as possible is always a good idea.

2. Not cleaning the computer (inside and out)

Another problem that can harm your computer's performance is that of forgetting to clean your computer. In a literal sense, allowing dust and other debris to accumulate can cause damage to some internal components, according to the American “space” website. Solentway Computer Company (SWC).

Therefore, intermittent cleaning can be very beneficial, not only to avoid damage, but also for hygiene reasons. In addition, you should also “clean out” what you no longer use.

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If you've had a computer for a while, you probably have a lot of programs installed, photos, videos, and extensions, among other things. This is also occupied storage space on the computer.

Therefore, it is advisable to use only what you need. If you don't know everything you have installed, the same source suggests using Windows' built-in uninstaller. This helps you find what you want to remove.

3. Do not turn off the computer in the recommended manner

This is probably less common, but it's always worth knowing the dangers of turning off your computer using the power button. According to SWC, turning off your computer suddenly, using the shutdown button, can result in data loss. On current computers, this is less likely, but it is still a practice that should be avoided.

For this reason, it is recommended that, when you want to turn off your computer, you go to the start menu and select the option you want. However, it is important to keep in mind that you should turn it off only if you are not going to use the computer for a long time, and not in a systematic manner. That is, when you are away from the computer.

Imagine that you will be without your computer for about an hour and a half. In this case, a “suspend” mode may make more sense, as shutdown is recommended during long periods of inactivity, and continued shutdown may cause some wear and tear on internal components.

Therefore, turning off the computer every night may not necessarily be a good practice, and also varies depending on each person's usage. Recommendation cited by Scott Sobol, a computer engineer Readers' summary“, is that “users should turn off or restart their computers two to three times a week.”

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By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."