Women suffer more from sleep problems Science and health

Women suffer more from sleep problems Science and health
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According to studies conducted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), 72% of Brazilians suffer from sleep-related diseases, including insomnia.

the Dance of hormones What happens in the female body since puberty affects all aspects of a woman's health, including sleep quality. This was one of the main conclusions of research recently published in the scientific journal Sleep Medicine Reviews.

But what is the relationship between sleep and these hormonal changes? there are many. because of For example, increased progesterone during menstruation leads to increased daytime sleepiness. Cramps also have an effect, especially when they are more severe and can interrupt rest.

“Women go through different stages of sleep characteristics during their lives depending on their different reproductive periods,” explains gynecologist Helena Hasul de Campos, professor of women's health at the Faculty of Medicine at the Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital. “The regularity of the cycle is also important Data suggests that women with irregular cycles are twice as likely to have sleep problems Hachul, lead professor in the women's sleep sector at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) and researcher at the Sleep Institute, says:

Who lives with him? Premenstrual syndromeknown as PMS, the quality of rest can be more compromised, increasing insomnia and daytime sleepiness, especially due to mood swings, which make women more anxious, for example. But this varies from person to person, from cycle to cycle, and depends on the moment in life they are in – the more stressed they are, for example, the more difficult it is to sleep.

It is also necessary to consider Polycystic ovaryIt is a syndrome that is very common in women during childbearing. Scientific literature indicates that women who suffer from it tend to be overweight and suffer from metabolic syndrome, factors associated with obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder that causes interruption of breathing during rest.

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Pregnancy is another stage that affects sleep a lot. The first trimester is usually very hectic, as it involves nausea and frequent trips to the bathroom. As the second quarter approaches, things tend to calm down. In the third, the enlarged abdomen resulting from the growth of the child begins to put pressure on the bladder, forcing the pregnant woman to get out of bed more often to urinate, in addition to causing difficulty in breathing, which leaves Fragmented sleep.

Pregnant women still suffer from high blood pressure More likely to suffer from apnea. “About 46% of pregnant women experience some sleep complaints, and the more frequently these complaints occur, the greater the risk of worse birth outcomes,” warns Helena Hashol.

But he is with The arrival of menopause Women's sleep tends to change in real ways. “The changes are more pronounced and constant after the significant hormonal decline that occurs in this phase,” says pulmonologist and sleep medicine specialist Lucien Embelisaire Luna de Mello, professor of the postgraduate course in sleep medicine at Albert Einstein Israelita Hospital and physician at the Sleep Center. The institute is affiliated with Unifesp. In addition to hot flashes (heat waves). Increased urinary frequencywhich can leave rest fragmented, and women have to deal with social and emotional changes. (From Einstein Agency)

By Andrea Hargraves

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