In the future, maybe you can shoot webs like Spider-Man

In the future, maybe you can shoot webs like Spider-Man

Among the various fantasies that revolve around comic books and films Spider-Man Inspiration, the ability to move between skyscrapers is one of the most attractive abilities.

This ability, which fills the imagination of many, is now closer to reality, thanks to the work of scientists at Tufts University in the United States.

Researchers at this institution were able to develop an innovative technology for connecting the web.

The adhesive fibers created in the laboratory are able to harden quickly after release, becoming rope-like, able to adhere to objects and support significant weight.

The invention was detailed in the magazine Advanced functional materials It not only impresses fans of the spider hero, but also opens up technological possibilities.

The adhesive is capable of supporting objects up to 80 times heavier, such as steel screws and large glasses.

In the future, maybe you can shoot webs like Spider-Man

Spider-Man from the comics was responsible for inventing his own web-slinger – Image: Clone

How was the realistic web shooter created?

Tufts University's sticky fibers are not made by traditional spiders, but by silkworms, Bombyx mori. From the cocoons of this caterpillar, scientists extract fibroin, a water-insoluble protein that is essential for the formation of matter.

This liquid solution, with components such as dopamine, turns into solid fibers when it comes into contact with air. This technology mimics the natural networks of Spidersknown for its hardness, flexibility and unique adhesive properties.

Inspiration from the world of superheroes

The search had a strange beginning. Marco Lo Presti, one of the participating scientists, observed the formation of a web-like substance in the fibroin container.

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Based on this observation, he improved the solution with chitosan, a crustacean compound, which increased the strength of the fiber by 200 times.

The adhesive capacity increased 18 times by using a buffered salt solution, ensuring a stable pH of the solution.

With these developments, the development of a Spider-Man web-based shooter may be closer to becoming a reality.

Despite the advances, natural webs are still superior in resistance, as they are a thousand times stronger than their synthetic counterparts.

the sciences We still have a long way to go, but efforts continue to inspire promising technological innovations.

By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."