Some areas of Mars may allow life to exist

Some areas of Mars may allow life to exist

ShA new study suggests that there are regions on Mars that could provide the right conditions for life to exist, noting that not every planet has such a barren surface or such a harsh atmosphere.

The study in question, published in the scientific journal Nature Communications Earth & Environment, points to a region similar to Earth's tropics that, in addition to not being exposed to ultraviolet radiation or exposure to sunlight, is also likely to contain liquid water.

Considering that frozen water can be found at the poles of Mars, researchers believe that certain areas may provide ideal conditions for life to exist – even in microscopic form.

Future missions to the Red Planet will likely pay more attention to these promising regions.

Read also: A NASA image shows the damaged wheel of the Curiosity rover on Mars

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By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."