Let's agree on one thing: Everyone passes gas. It's part of life, just like breakfast and paying bills.

But when you find yourself hanging out with someone who seems to have an internal fart factory — like Pumbaa from… The lion king Or maybe your husband – something is not right.

Timao here you are, who should hold your nose. Let us understand, with humor and science, Why your husband? (or yourself) The room should not be filled with bloating 24 hours a day and how to solve this embarrassing situation.

What could cause this flatulence fest?

Letting out some gas here and there is normal (who never does that?), but when things start to look like a fireworks display, it's time to pay attention.

On average, A healthy person lets out between 5 and 15 farts per day. If the number exceeds this limit, you or your partner may be too Having a digestive problem – or just eating what they shouldn't.

Remember that Every organism reacts differently to certain types of food.

In other words, here below you will see several possible reasons and one of them might be the reason why you are suffering from flatulence. And to conclude It is necessary to see a doctor and undergo specific tests.

Difficulty in the digestive system

The famous beans, broccoli and onions are at the top of the list of foods you eat It ferments in the intestines, creating a gas festival.

It's like a Sunday barbecue going on inside, but without the extractor fan filter.

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Food intolerance

Sometimes your body screams, “I can't eat this anymore!” In response, he produces an orchestra of flatulence.

Intolerance is insidious and can turn you into a gas machine with that “innocent” cheese-filled pizza.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

If your gut has more mood swings than it did before drinking coffee, it may be due to irritable bowel syndrome. Bloating, abdominal pain and flatulence are part of the package.

Intestinal dysbiosis

If your bowels are more disorganized than traffic during rush hours, The cause may be Dysbiosisa defect in the bacteria that live there.

When they are unhappy, flatulence increases.

Why do farts smell so bad?

Ah, the classic “stinky fart.” The one that makes you wonder if someone isn't dead inside.

The smell comes mainly from sulfur. That's right, sulfur-rich foods — like red meat, proteins in general, eggs, and broccoli — are responsible for the gas that would make Pumbaa blush with embarrassment.

Sulfur is It is metabolized by intestinal bacteriaThis produces hydrogen sulfide, the gas responsible for the famous “rotten egg smell.”

So, the next time your partner lets out that potentially room-emptying fart, remember: Perhaps the culprit is lunch steak or breakfast eggs.

Why do some gases have no smell?

Not all gases are silent killers. In fact, 99% of gases consist of… Odorless substances such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane.

This is it Wind that makes no noise, just a secret “fart”.. But it is 1% sulfur that deals the fatal blow to the sense of smell.

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Their surplus may come from Excessive consumption of carbohydrates and ultra-processed foods.

What should I eat to avoid the “fart plant”?

For zero news people, if you eat more real food, made with the right technique so you don't waste nutrients, you'll be able to improve your gut health and avoid being a walking “bumba.”

Here are some tips:

Fiber balance

Fiber is great, but too much fiber can turn your gut into a chemical laboratory.

Increase your fiber intake little by little and find what works for you.

Being stingy with foods rich in sulfur

Don't overeat red meat, eggs, and cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower. You can eat it every day, but in balance.

Moderate FODMAPs:

It contains beans, onions, garlic and some fruits High FODMAP contentCarbohydrates that ferment and cause gas. Try to reduce your consumption.

Drink more water:

Water aids in digestion and prevents the intestines from stagnating and fermenting everything in sight. Take 35 ml for every kilo of your weight.

Soft drinks

It is not necessary to drink something with meals. More than that, It's possible that soft drinks cause you to accumulate gas.

Eat slowly

Swallowing air while eating quickly or chewing gum can also turn you into a balloon. Take it easy!

Laugh, but be careful!

Farting is a part of life, but if you or your partner are competing with Bomba when it comes to flatulence, Maybe it's time to review your diet or see a doctor.

After all, living without this intestinal symphony Constant can bring more peace to the environment – ​​and to the surrounding noses.

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By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."