FAPESP Research It celebrates its 25th anniversary in October this year. Since its inception, the journal has published some of the major scientific and technological events in Brazil and the world. In its third edition, an important achievement by Brazilian researchers appeared on the cover: the genetic sequence of bacteria Xylella fastidiosa bacteriaWhich causes a devastating pest in the national citrus industry, which is yellow.

In the years since, the magazine has tackled several topics dear to science, including climate change — the subject of several covers, the first 16 years ago, in September 2008 — the progress of artificial intelligence, and COVID-19. The pandemic – which received widespread coverage in 2020 and 2021 – the population of the Americas, and the development of biofuels, including second generation ethanol.

Curiosity: First Edition of FAPESP Research It received the number 47, as it was decided to continue the numbering of the publication that gave rise to it, the Bulletin fabisp newsWhich has been traded monthly since August 1995.

Covers FAPESP Research Summarizing, to some extent, the progress made by Brazilian science in the twenty-first century.