They stopped the departure of the Polish plane and detained the opposition. Via Facebook post

Sprawę karną wobec byłego koordynatora ruchu Otwarta Rosja, Andrieja Piwowarowa, wszczęto z powodu wpisu na Facebooku - podało radio Echo Moskwy. Czynności śledcze z udziałem opozycjonisty, zatrzymanego w poniedziałek wieczorem, trwały do rana we wtorek.

Radio Echo Moskvi reports that a criminal case has been filed against Andrei Pivovarov, a former co-ordinator of the Open Russia movement, for accessing Facebook. The inquest lasted until Tuesday morning with the participation of an opposition activist who was detained on Monday evening.

Attorney Anastasia Burakova told H. Mosquito that the reason for starting the criminal case was to enter from the summer of 2020. Pivovarov later moved to Krasnodar, where He assisted activist Jana Antonova in the election campaign. On Facebook, the opposition activist wrote that it was necessary to raise funds for the uprising. The criminal case was launched on May 29 this year, two days after the decision to dismantle the structures of the Russian Open Russia.

Purakova linked the search for Pivovaro’s arrest to what law enforcement officials are conducting Tuesday in Moscow and the Moscow region. Former parliamentarian Dmitry Gutkov said police were searching for his Dutchman near Kolomna in the Moscow region. Officials visited former Open Russia activist Alexander Solovio, his collaborators with Gudko, and Gudko’s general, Vitaly Vinekto.

I do not know the exact reason, the truth is clear – Gudko wrote about these searches in the commentary on the Telegram Messenger.

Andrei Pivovrov was detained at St. Petersburg airport on the evening of May 31. He was flown to Warsaw. The engine was scheduled to depart at 6:20 p.m., but eventually departed about an hour and a half late – without ground resistance.

Border services of the Federal Security Service initially denied that Pivovarov had been arrested. The media reports that the activist should be taken to Krasnodar as a criminal case has been filed against him in this city.

The Russians stopped the departure of the Polish plane. The opposition activist was expelled from him

The detention of Pivovaro by Russian services was confirmed by Lot Poland Airlines because the opposition was going to Warsaw on a plane owned by the company.

During the plane’s docking, the air traffic control crew was ordered to return to the parking lot. The commander of the plane had to comply with this order because it was under Russian order – Report published by LOT and received by RMF FM.

Now the Polish Foreign Ministry wants to test whether it has violated international law.

All the circumstances of this incident are being investigated – R.M.F. The Deputy Minister further said: This is another unprecedented installment to wipe out Russian opposition ahead of the Duma elections in the fall. The instrument of repression in the territory of the Russian Federation seeks to intimidate independent circles and eliminate them.

Prydox also insists that one should wait for explanations before releasing the appropriate reaction. His view, however, is that the international community must respond to human rights abuses in Russia.

On May 27, Open Russia, co-ordinated by Andrei Pivovarov, announced its dissolution in Russia in order to protect its colleagues from harassment for participating in an organization officially recognized as undesirable by Russian authorities. Until now, participation in such an organization has been subject to administrative penalties, and work is underway to tighten sanctions.. As a result, individuals associated with the “undesirable system” could face up to six years in prison.

The Open Russia movement was not formally recognized as an undesirable organization, but by co-ordinators Russian authorities acknowledged that it was linked to the organization of the Kremlin rival, Michael Koderkovsky, which was registered in the UK – the Open Russia Civic Movement. In 2017, the Office of the Attorney General recognized this structure as an undesirable organization in the territory of Russia.

By Greg Vega

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer. Extreme travel aficionado."